Breed Me review

Breed Me
Video Quality streaming
Video Quality downloads
Photo Quality
Reviewer's Opinion

Final Score: 79/100

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August 24, 2023
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This site is part of the Nookies network. Signing up Breed Me gives access to the whole network.


Perverted insemination clinic where the doctor inseminates his pretty patients himself. Sometimes his sexy assistant also helps. Breeding porn fantasies.

Review by Wayne Gregory


  • Rare niches together — breeding, old-young, medical
  • Hot American models and porn stars
  • Hot, high quality videos
  • Streaming and downloads as part of the basic membership
  • Great offer with the bonus sites and the discount


  • Not a huge site yet
  • Only one video resolution available (1920x1080 Full HD)
  • No 4K UHD
  • No proper search features

Breed Me is a relatively new paysite, we're reviewing it a few months after its launch. While it is still a relatively small site, it's growing rapidly with the addition of multiple new scenes each month.

It isn't often that a new niche site is able to create scenes that will appeal to people with diverse interests, but Breed Me manages to do just that. If you are interested in creampies / breeding, Breed Me has you covered. If you like scenes with a medical setting, you will also be happy with a membership here. And if you enjoy watching scenes featuring an older man have sex with a younger woman (18-22), then you're in luck with Breed Me too. Breed Me will definitely make a lot of people happy.

The scenes at Breed Me aren't what I would label as “mainstream” porn scenes, though the sex itself is certainly mainstream. While there's nothing kinky or strange about the scenes, they aren't the typical B/G scenes available on most mainstream sites. All the scenes focus on the “breeding” niche which is a niche that is not widely served. For those not familiar with breeding, think of it as the ultimate creampie scenes where the male actor comes inside the female model with the (pretend) intent to impregnate her.

The scene setups are simple: the model comes to a sperm donor clinic to get a donation and become pregnant, but this clinic has an unusual twist in that the sperm is definitely fresh and inserted in a more natural manner.

As I said above, all the scenes take place in a medical setting with the sex happening on an examination table. The model comes in, there is a quick interview about the process and the scene then become a standard sex scene that ends with a creampie. Adding to the unorthodox methods of this clinic is the fact that it's likely not a standard practice in most clinics that oral sex is performed on both the donor and the donee as foreplay. But this isn't a standard clinic.

The models playing the patient are American porn models and well-known stars. Because the niche is for a younger woman to be impregnated, the models are all at the younger end of the spectrum, with most of them being between 18 and 22 years old. There isn't a lot of variation among the models. They are petite and mostly Caucasian.

All the scenes also feature a slightly older porn model —a MILF—who acts as the doctor's assistant. In most scenes, the assistant, even though she is also a porn star, doesn't get undressed and doesn't participate in any of the foreplay or sex. However, there are a few scenes where the assistant does get undressed and even some where the assistant participates in the sex, though it is always the “patient” who takes the internal cumshot. There are some scenes where the husband is present at the insemination too, so cuckolding porn fans will be happy too.

I enjoy watching scenes with an older male model and a younger (18-22) and was pleasantly surprised to see that many of the scenes feature men who are older, with one of them (Jay Crew / J. Crew) being 65. Seeing a 65-year-old man have sex with a model in her early 20s appeals to my inner pervert.

Each scene is available for downloading or streaming. In an unusual decision, there is only one resolution available for each. Both downloads and streaming only come in 1920x1080 at approximately 4200 kb/s as a bitrate. While there may be some subscribers who would prefer lower resolutions better suited to smart phones, the relatively small file sizes will likely still allow these users to easily access what they want to watch. Likewise, those who prefer 4K resolution will be disappointed to hear that it isn't available on any scene, but I still found the one available resolution to be crisp with no pixelation. While my preference would be for more options, I can live with what's offered here at Breed Me.

As of this writing, there are currently 34 scenes available at Breed Me — if you are reading this review at a later time, this number will be higher. The site seems to be adding around 3 new scenes per month currently.

In what seems like an odd choice in 2023, Breed Me not only offers the scene as a full download, as does every other adult site on the internet, but they also offer the scene broken down into shorter clips. This isn't a positive or a negative, but I find it hard to imagine that in 2023 there are still people who want to download a series of individual clips rather than the full scene. However, if a subscriber wants clips, they will be happy to find them here.

BreedMe also offers photos with every scene. I don't think anyone would disagree with me when I say that videos are the primary media at BreedMe, so the photos are secondary. The photos are only available in one resolution per set, though that resolution does vary among the sets. The resolution isn't very high, it varies from 1300x867 to 1920x1280. The photos look good though. As for set sizes, while I've listed the average at 200 photos per set, readers should be aware that there is a wide variation. You'll find photo sets with less than 150 photos, but you'll also find sets with more than 350 photos.

The website itself is well laid out, and easy to use on all devices. Admittedly, given the site is still relatively small, this is to be expected. What could hamper the site as it continues to grow is its lack of tags identifying common and popular porn niches. While there is a search function, without tags, the functionality of a search will be limited. However, given the narrow niches that Breed Me caters to, not having tags won't be as much of an issue. For example, since Breed Me serves the insemination niche, anal sex scenes likely won't ever be available. Also, since Breed Me serves those interested in scenes shot in a medical environment, there likely won't be other environments used. If my prediction is correct, then simply having the scenes available chronologically or by popularity, and being able to sort by model, will likely be more than sufficient as Breed Me increases in size.

Regardless of what you're doing on the site, I found speeds at Breed Me to be fast. Download speeds were fast and streaming was stable. Your own internet speed will play a key role in your own experience, obviously.

If asked to list the negatives at Breed Me, I'd truthfully have to say that there aren't any serious flaws. Some may view the site as being too small, and I think that's a fair criticism, but that criticism also needs to take into account that the site continues to grow. Also, considering the narrow interests that Breed Me serves, the site size may be of no concern to many potential subscribers.

A minor negative, and one that may not be shared by other subscribers, is that the downloaded video files all have the same generic name, rather than being assigned a unique name. All files are downloaded with the name “high.” As I said, this is a minor and subjective complaint, and it just means that anyone downloading scenes will have to rename them.

Photo collectors may find it to be a minor annoyance that Breed Me doesn't have a “Photos” tab that brings you to links to all the available photo sets. The only way to access the photo sets is through each individual scene.

The only other negative I think is worth mentioning, and it's more of a minor annoyance, is that like other sites that use this platform, a subscriber will have to wade through a couple of pages of ads after logging in.

An important advantage of the site is that you get full access to many bonus sites. They're basically the same sites you'd get by subscribing to the Tug Pass network. However, Tug Pass members don't get access to Breed Me. So if you want the Breed Me scenes, you need to use the link in this review to subscribe.

I've enjoyed Breed Me. It is a site that, while aiming at a couple of narrow niches, will also have broader appeal. Certainly, for people who enjoy watching creampie / insemination scenes, scenes shot in a medical environment and scenes featuring older men with younger (18-22) models, Breed Me is well worth checking out. The models are well-known and beautiful, the assistants are also well-known and beautiful though they don't usually participate in the sex, and the sex is hot. The scenes are well shot, lit, and edited and the site makes it easy to access anything a subscriber could want. The 50% special x3guide discount and all the bonus sites make a membership at Breed Me a good value.


34 scenes (on Aug 24, 2023)
Avg. length
20 mins
type resolution bitrate info
mp4 1920 x 1080 px FULLHD 4200 kbps


34 (on Aug 24, 2023)
Photos / gallery
resolution zip files
1920 x 1280 px HQ
800 x 533 px
Some photo sets are lower resolution (1300x867).


You can watch the same cams by visiting Streamate directly.

Prices & Billing

Recurring Memberships:
1st period price rebills access
One month $19.90 $9.90 rebills at $19.90 / month
3 months $39.80 rebills at $39.80 / 3 months
One year $94.80 rebills at $94.80 / year
Payment Methods:
RocketGate, Segpay, Gift Card Biller
Cross sales: Pre-checked Checkbox or Pre-selected Dropdown offers in the join form. If you don't unselect them, you'll pay extra for membership(s) to additional site(s).

Review History & Outside Reviews

Review history on x3guide
review date score
this full review Aug 24, 2023 79/100
Outside reviews
site date score
The Best Porn Dec 3, 2023 75/100
PornPaySites Oct 24, 2023 71/100
My Porn Adviser Mar 1, 2023 75/100

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